Thursday, February 28, 2008

Me, diarrhea and food poisoning

Diarrhea. Its happening again tonight. I have lost count on how many times I had this “frequent loose or liquid bowel movements”. I just had it last week, and today its repeating again. Its just so uncomfortable.

The doctor that I met previously told me its totally my fault. I was asking for treatment, instead, he gave me a lecture. Eheh! It was me who chose to have my meal at an unknown stall or restaurant. It is very clear that the owner is running the business for profit. So, they might or they might not give a damn on cleanliness, not to mention on healthy issue.

I don’t know since when my flabby tummy became so sensitive to this type of food. I mean food that we can get at the stall and restaurant. I am “warung” guy, and I used to hang out at any stall or restaurant for my lunch or dinner. I guess, since last 2 years I start to have this “sensitive” issue, but I never gave a bother on it. Until last August 2007, I had the worst food poisoning ever in my life.

It was on Malaysia’s 50th Independence Day when that incident happened. It was Friday after the prayer, and I went to buy my lunch at this restaurant, which earlier at the morning I also bought my breakfast at this stall next to the restaurant. For no reason, I started feeling dizzy and sweating like I am having a heavy exercise. At the moment I’ve done my order, I couldn’t stand any longer. I grabbed a chair and had my head laid on the table. Seconds after that, I started to vomit out everything inside me. It was painful.

Thanks God, I am lucky enough it happened just few meters from my parents’ house.

My brother and his friend had to carry me from the restaurant to the car and to the clinic. I really cant feel my feet stands on the ground, like my bones have turned into jelly. And I couldn’t make major move, as I will start to vomit if I did. And every time I opened my eyes, I will see things in front of me, flying all over the place.

The doctor said I had food poisoning. Maybe because of the breakfast that I had earlier. With two injections on my butt, I was drugged and I slept like a baby the whole evening. It took 3 days for me to fully recover from the sickness.

I wish that incident not to happen again, on me or anybody in my family.

But, have I learnt anything?

Base on today’s incident, I guess I am not. :)


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