Monday, February 4, 2008

English and me (2)

So, I am still talking about English. :)

One of methods that I use to improve my vocabulary is by our daily communication. While communicates, we might heard people use words that you rarely hear and you might or you might not understand the meaning. If you could, pause the conversation and ask the person the meaning of the word. Then you will get an instance answer.

But, if you feel not comfortable in that way, as you might found its impolite or, in my case, its like "dropping my water face" to ask meaning of words in the middle of conversations (eheheh.. perasan bagus), I will memorize the words. Then back at home/office, I'll find my dictionary or most of the time I'll check in Microsoft Words on the meanings.

Hmmm.. I am promoting Ms Words here!

And it shouldnt end there. Try to use that words again in your writings or conversations. Gradually, you will use that word automatically without noticing it.

Sometimes, its not necessary you learn the new words in your own conversation. You might found situations where you were alone, and there are people around you talking in English. I always did this while waiting for my turns at counters (banks, post office., etc). You might call it busy body, but it just I have nothing to do. Eheh!

And it could be very funny too when you hear people for being overexcited talking in English. This is base on my experience sometime ago, when I was in wet market (Pasar Sentul) for my shopping.

There was a couple, I believe a husband and wife, besides me at this one stall. The wife was selecting and picking the fishes, while the husband just stand at her side. Then, the wife asked the stall owner;

"Ehh.. this fish new one ah?"

"Ya laa.. all new what.. no ice one"

"Sure ah? How much?"

"3.50 dollar per kilo"

"Aiyyaaa.. so expensive ahh? 3 dollar enough laaaa.."

And at this point of time, the husband interrupted the bargaining session. Looking at her wife, he said,

"Ehhh.. 3 dollar still expensive la.. you know, 1 dollar today equals to 3.80 ringgit malaysia. 3 dollar means more than 10 ringgit. Mahal wooo..."

Warghahahahah! I cant stop myself of laughing at the couple, especially to the husband of making joke on his wife. Indeed, the husband was talking on fact, that a dollar is no equivalent to one ringgit. Its a two different amount (at that time).

Lesson learned, not all words can be translated to English! :)


  • Direct translation from English to Malay is quiet dangerous (can bring a totally different meaning). See example below:

    Direct Translation:

    Hardware: barang keras
    Software: barang lembut
    Joystick: batang bahagia
    Plug and Play: cucuk dan main
    Port: lubang
    Server: pelayan
    Client: pelanggan

    Malay Text:

    “That server gives a plug and play service to the clients using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.”


    mmm second thought, you guys can translate yourself.

    By Blogger Fakha, At February 11, 2008 at 10:32 AM  

  • sharul, I agree with you.translate from malay into english very difficult and we've to extra careful.first time i translate from malay into english during my primary school,oohhh no...sound so weird..hehehe..but it learning process..slowly it teach us how to think and find a suitable word.

    By Blogger Anak Mak Bun, At February 12, 2008 at 9:23 AM  

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